About Us

Sina Faiz, L.E. is a California Licensed Electrologist and Esthetician that Specializes in the Blended method of Electrolysis. This technique uses 2 kinds of electrical current, blended together to achieve Permanent Hair Removal. The downtime with this technique being minimum, allows most clients to return to their daily routine shortly after a treatment. Upon request, she also offers Thermolysis (a single current) technique. She has excellent vision and hand skills that help to accomplish treatments that are very effective, precise and gentle. She deeply cares for her client’s comfort and goes above and beyond to make sure clients are given the best electrolysis experience possible.

Elissa Schwartz, LE, CPE, is a California State Licensed Electrologist and is nationally accredited as a Certified Professional Electrologist CPE for over 25 years. Moreover, she is an active member of the Electrolysis Association of California (EAC/NC) where she held several board positions. CPE certifications require continuing education and Elissa attends California and National Seminars to acquire knowledge about the field of Electrology and other health and profession related topics. She loves helping people and goes to great lengths to accommodate her clients with the Permanent hair removal process.